Debra Hockett-Clark

Debra Hockett-Clark has practiced divorce and family law for nearly 30 years. She is known for her attention to detail. Debra listens to her client's needs and makes sure that they know that she is on their side to guide them through the divorce process and not make their case more difficult. She realizes that clients with children will have an ongoing relationship with their ex-spouses for years to come. Most clients want to be able to move on after the divorce and be able to interact positively with their former spouse for the benefit of their children. Debra's clients are given the new option of a Collaborative divorce, an alternative to costly, time-consuming litigation that helps couples resolve disputes respectfully without going to court.
- International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
- May 2013 – Present
- Iowa State Bar Association
- Polk County Bar Association
- Governor for District 5C for the ISBA Board of Governors
- Jan 2013 - Present
- Debra was selected as a Governor for District 5C in June of 2013 and is currently serving her second term.
- Jan 2013 - Present
- Current delegate to the ISBA Board of Governors, Former Member of the Board of Directors, current co-chair of the Solo and Small Law Firm Practice Section, Member of the Family Law Section
- Iowa Organization of Women Attorneys
- Jan 2010 – Present
- Polk County Women Attorney's Association
- Jan 2005 – Present
- Central Iowa Academy of Collaborative Professionals
- Current President and founding member of CIACP