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Motorcycle accidents

Wearing Helmets Prevent Injury For Motorcycle Riders

Preventing injuries with the right equipment

The lawyers and staff at The Hope Law Firm, PLC advocate for safe driving conditions for our Des Moines neighbors. For motorcyclists, this includes wearing the appropriate safety equipment.

We have witnessed the devastating injuries riders sustain during a motorcycle wreck, including fractures, amputations, brain trauma, spinal cord damages, and road rash. In many instances, these injuries might have been avoided or minimized had the motorcyclist been wearing the right gear.

Motorcycle safety gear helps you control your motorcycle and protects you from injuries while riding and during an accident. However, you may take every precaution and still be the victim of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents. Hope helps you recover.

Helmet laws in Iowa

Iowa legislators repealed a universal helmet law in 1976. Iowa currently has no statutes on the books requiring the use of motorcycle helmets. However, just because no law requires helmet use does not mean you should not wear one.

In 2013, 41 people died in motorcycle crashes; 34 of the riders were not wearing helmets. Similar statistics demonstrate a trend in past years that is likely to continue. Of the 56 fatalities in 2012, 42 of the bikers were helmetless, and of 34 deaths in 2011, 29 of the victims were not wearing helmets.

Why wear a motorcycle safety helmet?

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) calls a helmet “the most important piece of protective gear you can wear.” It recommends that all riders wear a helmet that meets Department of Transportation (DOT) standards and fits properly. A helmet protects your brain from injuries because of its:

  • Outer shell — resists penetration by flying debris and abrasion during an accident and spreads the force of impact
  • Impact-absorbing liner — slowly collapses during impact to absorb the blow
  • Soft foam liner — keeps the helmet snugly in place and spreads the force of impact

In addition to a helmet, the MSF suggests other crucial safety gear that protects motorcyclists from injuries while riding and during a crash:

  • Face shield — protects your face from flying debris
  • Goggles — protects eyes from insects and objects
  • Abrasion-resistant jacket and pants — protects skin if you slide across the pavement during a crash
  • Gloves — helps you grip the bars to better control your bike
  • Boots — helps you remain steady and protects ankles from injuries

Our lawyers can explain your rights if you were injured in any type of motorcycle accident.

Learn more about helmets and other motorcycle safety gear

The Hope Law Firm, PLC is a Des Moines-based personal injury law firm that represents victims of motorcycle crashes. We have witnessed how safety gear can prevent or reduce injuries resulting from an accident and recommend that you wear suitable clothing and a helmet whenever you ride. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, our legal team is available to help. Call our office at (515) 298-5056 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys.
