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Car accident

Main Factors That Cause Automobile Accidents & Car Crashes

Preventable car crashes that occur on Des Moines roadways

Most automobile accidents would be preventable if motorists acted responsibly when behind the wheel. Unfortunately, drivers who are distracted, drunk, drowsy or otherwise negligent put your safety at risk every day. When a motor vehicle crash occurs, you deserve compensation for the medical bills, lost wages, disability, pain and suffering, and other damages you incur.

The Hope Law Firm, PLC assists injury victims throughout Des Moines, West Des Moines and the surrounding communities. Our personal injury lawyers help clients through the most challenging cases, including recovery for accidents with unlicensed drivers and uninsured drivers. We offer a free consultation, and a no-fees-without-recovery policy, because when you need help, Hope is there for you.

Distracted drivers

Motorists often try to multitask while driving. However, any task that takes peoples’ minds off driving, their hands off the wheel or their eyes off the road is dangerous and inappropriate.

Our personal injury attorneys consider whether the motorist who ran into you was engaged in a distracting activity, such as:

  • Talking on a cellphone
  • Texting or emailing
  • Surfing the internet
  • Eating or drinking
  • Fiddling with a radio or GPS
  • Putting on makeup or brushing hair
  • Looking at a sign, car or other object
  • Talking or arguing with passengers
  • Disciplining or entertaining children
  • Reaching over to grab something

According to, 3,328 people were killed and approximately 421,000 were injured in 2012 in auto accidents involving a distracted driver.

Drunk drivers

A driver who is impaired by alcohol or drugs typically has slower reaction times, altered vision and compromised judgment. These factors make drunk drivers a serious hazard on the road. In fact, 92 people died in drunk driving accidents in Iowa in 2012.

Law enforcement likely charged the drunk driver who hit you with operating while intoxicated (OWI). However, you may only receive limited restitution through the criminal justice system. Our PI lawyers can help you file a lawsuit in the Des Moines civil court to recover the financial damages you sustained.

Drowsy drivers

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 1,550 people die and 71,000 people sustain injuries every year in automobile wrecks caused by fatigued drivers. Drowsy driving causes many of the same impairments as drunk driving, including diminished reaction time, vision, judgment, and concentration. However, unlike OWI, sleepiness is difficult to detect and regulate.

Truck drivers often operate their vehicles while they are sleep-deprived, and an accident with a tractor-trailer is usually catastrophic. Therefore, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) imposes hours-of-service (HOS) restrictions on commercial vehicle and bus drivers.

Our personal injury legal team investigates your case for proof of the motorist’s state of mind when the person’s vehicle hit you. If the negligent driver is a commercial trucker, we review logbooks, cellphone records and other documents for indications of inadequate rest.

Learn more about common causes of traffic accidents on Iowa roadways

The Hope Law Firm, PLC can thoroughly investigate the cause of your traffic accident and collect crucial evidence that supports our argument for maximum possible compensation. At your free consultation, our personal injury lawyers explain the legal process and potential outcomes for your case. Call (515) 298-5056 or contact us online to schedule an appointment today.
