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What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident in Iowa

man injured due to a slip and fall accident

Slip and falls are no laughing matter. A slip and fall accident could result in a bone fracture, permanent disability or even brain injury. It might even lead to a fatality. After a slip and fall accident, victims or their families should consult a Des Moines slip and fall lawyer as soon as possible.

According to a study by the National Floor Safety Institute, slip and falls lead to more than one million emergency room visits every year — making them the number one cause of such visits and of hospitalizations in Iowa. The Iowa Department of Public Health reports that falls are the second leading cause of injury deaths across the state.

If you are injured in a slip and fall accident on another person’s property, it may be the property owner’s fault. Under Iowa law, a property owner must exercise reasonable care in the maintenance of their premises to protect lawful visitors. When a property owner neglects this duty, they are responsible for the resulting damages. This may include compensation for disability, medical expenses, lost earnings or even the death of a family member. An experienced Des Moines premises liability attorney can make sure you recover the full amount for your damages.

At Hope Law Firm, P.L.C., our compassionate legal team understands that a slip and fall is not always the result of a victim’s carelessness or clumsiness. It may be due to a landowner failing his or her legal duty. In every slip and fall case, we fight hard to hold the wrongful parties accountable and to get maximum compensation for the victim’s injuries. Call our office today for your free consultation.

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