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Motorcycle Helmet Myths

Motorcycle accidents can be extremely dangerous for riders. Unlike car drivers, motorcycle riders are exposed to their surroundings. In particularly violent collisions, a motorcycle rider can be ejected from their bike for hundreds of feet.

Given the inherent risks of motorcycles, safety is a serious matter for riders. However, there is a divide between riders regarding the ultimate safety benefits of wearing a helmet. Many states, including Iowa, do not have mandatory helmet laws. As a result, myths about the motorcycle helmet take on a dangerous character, risking the lives of those who believe them.

This article address some motorcycle helmet myths that could lead to life-threatening results if followed.

Myth: Motorcycle Helmets Are More Dangerous

Those who are opposed to motorcycle helmets may argue that the bulkiness and weight of a helmet make its usage more dangerous because of the increased risk of neck injury. However, when it comes to accidents that cause severe neck injuries, the collision may be violent enough that injury is likely whether or not one wears a helmet.

Myth: Motorcycle Helmets Obscure Your Senses

While it is true that helmets do restrict a rider’s vision and ability to hear, helmets that comply with federal safety standards do not limit one’s vision to an angle that is narrower than a human’s natural viewing range. Additionally, safety compliant helmets also minimize wind noise that would otherwise drown out the sounds of surrounding traffic.

Myth: Motorcycle Helmets Create a False Sense of Security

Opponents of motorcycle helmet use have claimed that people who wear helmets have a false sense of security and, as a result, are more likely to engage in dangerous maneuvers. However, there is no data supporting this claim.

Myth: Motorcycle Helmets Don’t Prevent Injuries

Some of those who argue against the use of motorcycle helmets claim that most life-threatening accidents are so violent that wearing a helmet would not improve their chances of survival. While this is true for certain severe cases, this argument misses an important point. A helmet can turn what would otherwise be a life-changing accident into a one from which a motorcycle rider can walk away.

Contact Hope Law Firm for Effective Personal Injury Representation

Injuries associated with motorcycle accidents can be very severe. Given the exposed nature of motorcycle riding, one cannot emphasize safety enough. Have you been injured in a traffic accident as a result of another driver’s negligence? If so, you might be entitled to recover money damages as compensation for your losses. At Hope Law Firm, our legal team has years of experience handling personal injury matters, such as those involving motorcycle collisions. You deserve to receive compensation for the financial and personal losses you suffered due to the negligent or wrongful conduct of the at-fault party.

For more information about our legal services, call Hope Law Firm at (515) 298-5056 or contact us online today.
