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kids trick or treating

Halloween and Pedestrian Accidents: How to Stay Safe

Halloween festivities provide plenty of outdoor fun for children and families of all ages. In particular, trick or treating allows kids to put on fun costumes and walk door-to-door for candy or other treats. Because these events typically occur at and after dusk, there's an increased risk of pedestrian accidents. Follow these tips to stay safe on Halloween night.

Use Sidewalks

Use sidewalks when they're available. In neighborhoods without sidewalks, Halloween revelers should walk in the direction opposing traffic. This makes it easier for drivers to see you. Carry a flashlight or wear a flexible neck light to make yourself more visible to drivers, especially if the neighborhood doesn't have street lamps.

Wear Reflective Clothing

Choose a Halloween costume that has reflective strips. If you can't find one, you can add your own. Many thread manufacturers make products that glow in the dark, and you can stitch these threads onto the costume's fabric. Another DIY option involves reflective tape. This tape is available in big-box craft stores. Tear off strips of this tape, and apply them to the front and back of your costume.

Go in Groups

Trick-or-treating and other Halloween festivities are safer when done in groups. Drivers more easily spot pedestrians when they're walking in a group. Consider having your child go trick-or-treating with a couple of friends. If a parent accompanies each child, you'll have a group of six to eight people, which ensures a safer experience.

Drive Cautiously

Many people live in rural areas where the houses are spread far apart. If you'll be driving your child to go trick-or-treating, exercise caution. Even if you're in a suburban area and plan to drive on Halloween night, you'll need to use the same level of caution. Halloween participants may dart into the street without looking. Turn on your headlights, and drive slower than you usually would on residential roads. Find out the trick-or-treating hours in your community so that you're aware of the times when people are likely to be walking in the neighborhood. Keep in mind that Halloween festivities may extend for several days before October 31.

Halloween offers an opportunity to visit outdoors with friends or family, enjoy a walk in the crisp autumn air and watch children having fun in their costumes. With these tips, your celebration will be a safe and memorable one. If you or your loved one is the victim of a pedestrian accident on Halloween or any other time of the year, it's important to seek legal representation.

If you have any questions about pedestrian accidents or would like to schedule a consultation with an injury attorney, call our team of skilled personal injury attorneys at Hope Law Firm at (515) 298-5056.
